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Testing your own blood sugar helps you take control of your health, especially once you learn what your test result numbers mean, and what to do with them. The Structured Testing Protocol (STeP) study, offers the proof. The study concluded that collecting the data of blood sugar test results, visualizing and understanding this data, and focusing treatment based on that data significantly reduced the HbA1C levels of poorly controlled type 2 diabetes over a 12-month period1....

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Diabetes Basics

Understanding the basics of diabetes is the first step in gaining control of your health. Let’s look at what causes diabetes, some of the common symptoms, the benefits of healthy living, and what to do if you’ve just been diagnosed. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a medical condition in which the blood glucose levels remain persistently higher than normal. It is becoming more common in Singapore. This may be due in part to ageing population, unhealthy diets and lack of exercise. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that allows your body cells to use blood glucose for energy. Food is converted...

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Self-monitoring of your diabetes

Diabetes is part of your everyday life. Appropriate self-monitoring can help you manage your daily blood glucose, and better adapt your lifestyle and treatment to suit your needs.1 The more often you check your blood glucose, the better you will understand it and the easier it will be for you to manage your diabetes. It doesn’t matter if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, or if you are taking insulin or not, self-monitoring can help you and your doctor manage your therapy.2 By managing your diabetes, you reduce the risk of developing complications. That means potentially less eye, kidney and...

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Diabetics Stay healthy during COVID-19

Learn more about the safety measures against COVID-19 for people living with diabetes.  

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  Say 'No' to Foot Complaints  

  Managing diabetes can be complex, but it shouldn’t mean missing out on the good things in life, like feeling the scrunchy sand under your feet, dipping your feet surf, long hikes in the park with your family. Keeping blood glucose levels within range can help prevent complications such as those that affect your feet1. High blood glucose can cause nerve damage (neuropathy) especially in the limbs (example both legs and feet). In addition, poor circulation caused by diabetes may lead to more serious problems like diabetic foot ulcer and infections and even deformity of the feet...

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Do you know how diabetes affects your mental health, your eyes, heart,  limbs, and your kidneys?  Here are some facts: 2 times as likely to have depression 2-5 times more likely to develop cataracts Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death 1 in 2 patients experience diabetic neuropathy 1 in 3 patients have kidney diseases Check out the infographics for recommendations to reduce your risk:...

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Your Eyes Are Two Good Reasons To Take Care Of Your Diabetes

  Managing diabetes can be complex, but it should not mean missing out on the good things in life, like watching a sunset or reading a book. Keeping blood glucose levels within range can help prevent complications such as those that affect your eyes. Over time, diabetes may cause damage to the eyes which can lead to poor vision or even blindness. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common complication of diabetes and affects one third of people living with diabetes....

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What is HbA1c?

Your HbA1c number Consider your HbA1c number (also known as "A1c" or "glycated hemoglobin") as a snapshot of your blood glucose levels over two to three months. Over time, glucose naturally attaches itself to your red blood cells. When this happens, the cell is considered "glycated". The more glucose in your blood, the more glycated HbA1c you have in...

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